GUARANTEE (Polyalkyleneoxide Modified Heptamethyltrisiloxane (Organosilicone) 800g/L) DESCRIPTION Miticide for control against Red Spider mites. DIRECTIONS FOR USE CROPS DISEASES APPLICATION RATE SPRAY-VOLUME RE-ENTRY INTERVAL Roses Red Spider mites 0.75ml with 0.5ml per Liter of KNOCKBECTIN 40EC® per Hectare; 0.015ml with 0.01ml per 20ml of KNOCKBECTIN 40EC® in 20Litres of water 1,000Litres of water per Hectare 6 Hours PRECAUTIONS Handling Avoid contact with the eyes, skin and clothing. Wear protective clothing overalls, hat or head dress, rubber boot, rubber gloves and face mask while handling the product. DO NOT apply upwind. DO NOT breathe vapor. DO NOT eat drink or smoke. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse.
GUARANTEE (DHAMANA) Thiocyclam Hydrogen Oxalate 500g/Kg DESCRIPTION HINDER 500SP® is a soluble powder systemic, contact and stomach insecticide that is absorbed into foliage and roots and is translocated acropettally in the plant for control against Aphids, Thrips and Whitefly on Roses. MODE OF ACTION HINDER 500SP® is a nereistoxin, a chemical that occurs naturally and it acts by blocking the Synapsis of the central nervous system. USER RESTRICTIONS: DO NOT apply more than twice per season to minimise development of resistance. DIRECTIONS FOR USE CROPS PESTS APPLICATION RATE RE-ENTRY INTERVAL Roses Aphids, Thrips and Whiteflies Foliar Spray 400g – 700g in 1,000Litres of water per Hectare; 40g – 70g in 100Litres of water; 8g in 20Litres of water 12Hours Re-Entry Interval Applied at an interval of of 10 Days per Season APPLICATION METHOD Mixing Instructions Dissolve the required quantity of HINDER 500SP® in a small volume of water and then add to the filling spray tank while agitating. Clean this container by rinsing and applied 3 times at an interval of 10 Days per season. Never mix undiluted products or their premixes before adding to the tank. When HINDER 500SP® is used in a water-oil mixture, first dissolve the HINDER 500SP® in the spray water before adding the oil.
GUARANTEE (DHAMANA) Mancozeb 700g/Kg + Cymoxanil 60g/Kg DESCRIPTION: ZETANIL 76 WP® is a Wettable Powder a contact and systemic fungicide used for the control of Powdery Mildew in French Beans, Roses, Tomatoes and Watermelons; Anthracnose and Powdery Mildew in Mangoes; Botrytis in Carnations and Rice Blast in Rice. DIRECTIONS FOR USE CROPS DISEASES APPLICATION RATE APPLICATION TIMING PHI/ RE-ENRY Potatoes and Tomatoes Late Blight and Early Blight Spray at first sign of attack. 14 Days interval or 7 Days – 10 Days depending on disease pressure and weather conditions Spray at first sign of attack. 14 Days interval or 7 Days – 10 Days depending on disease pressure and weather conditions PRE-HARVEST INTERVAL – 7Days Beans Anthracnose Downy Mildew 2Kg per Hectare; 40g per 20Litres of water 7 Days and spray volume 1000Litres per Hectare PRE-HARVEST INTERVAL – 7Days Beans Rust 2.5Kg per Hectare; 50g per 20Litres of water 7 Days and spray volume 1000Litres per Hectare PRE-HARVEST INTERVAL – 7Days Cucurbits Downey Mildew and Anthracnose 2Kg per Hectare; 40g per 20Litres of water 7 Days and spray volume 1000Litres per Hectare PRE-HARVEST INTERVAL – 7Days Roses Botrytis, Downy Mildew and Leaf Rust 2Kg – 2.5Kg per Hectare; 50g per 20Litres of water 7 Days and spray volume 1000Litres per Hectare RE-ENTRY INTERVAL – 6Hours RE-ENTRY PERIOD After spray droplets have dried.
GUARANTEE (DHAMANA) Sulphur 800g/Kg DESCRIPTION: SULPHUR GOLD 80%WDG® is a fungicide with a specific action against Early Blight and Late Blight in Potatoes and Powdery Mildew in Roses. Also, SULPHUR GOLD 80%WDG® stimulates plant growth and development of a healthy plant by increased photosynthesis. MODE OF ACTION: SULPHUR GOLD 80%WDG® contains protectant, curative, eradicant, trans laminar and systemic properties. Inhibits spore germination and mycelial growth and also shows antisporulant activity to be used for the control of fungal infections. DIRECTIONS OF USE: SULPHUR GOLD 80%WDG® is applied as a foliar spray. Apply prophylactically for better control. CROPS DISEASES APPLICATION RATE INTERVAL Potatoes Early Blight and Late Blight FOLIAR SPRAY; 2Kg per 1000Litres of water per Hectare; 40g per 20Litres of water; Repeat at 7 Days -10 Days intervals PRE-HARVEST INTERVAL – 7Days Roses Powdery Mildew FOLIAR SPRAY; 2Kg per 1000Litres of water per Hectare; 40g per 20Litres of water; 4 Applications in 7 Days Interval RE-ENTRY INTERVAL – 6Hours MIXING First mix the required amount of SULPHUR GOLD 80%WDG® with a little water to form thick slurry then add the remaining volume of water and agitate well.
GUARANTEE (DHAMANA) Mancozeb 800g/Kg DESCRIPTION AGRITHANE 80WP® is a broad spectrum, wettable powder fungicide. It is mixed with water and applied as a spray to control of Late Blight in Potatoes and Tomatoes. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR USE AGRITHANE 80WP® is applied at the rate of 1.5Kg – 2.5Kg in 1000Litres of water per hectare (30g-50g per 20Litres of water). The lower rates of 30g per 20Litres of water can be used under very low pest pressure, and 50g per 20Litres of water under high pest pressure. DIRECTIONS FOR USE CROPS DISEASES APPLICATION RATE PRE-HARVEST INTERVAL Potatoes and Tomatoes Late Blight 30g – 50g in 20Litres of water 7 Days TIMING AGRITHANE 80WP® is sprayed when disease is anticipated or immediately after the first signs of disease are noticed. Repeat at 7 Days -10 Days intervals. Spray after irrigation.
GUARANTEE (DHAMANA) Mancozeb 64% + Metalaxyl 8% DESCRIPTION AGRILAX 72WP® is a protective and curative fungicide for control of Early Blight and Late Blight in Tomatoes; Downy Mildew in Roses. DIRECTIONS FOR USE CROPS DISEASES APPLICATION RATE APPLICATION TIMING Tomatoes Early Blight and Late Blight 250g in 100Litres of water; 50g in 20Litres of water PRE-HARVEST INTERVAL – 14Days Roses Downy Mildew 2.5Kg in 1,000Litres of water per Hectare RE-ENTRY INTERVAL – 6Hours MIXING Half fill spray tank with water. Shake CARBOZIM 500SC® container before measuring the required quantity. Pour this into the sprayer tank and add water to the mark while agitating to ensure uniform mixture.