DESCRIPTION AGROZYME® is an eco-friendly organic Bio-stimulant of vegetable origin obtained from Seaweed processed in advanced and controlled reaction to give maximum output. In addition, AGROZYME® is blended with plant stimulators and organic nutrients to give tremendous boost and increase in tolerance of plant to drought conditions, application in large variety of field, tropical and horticultural crops. AGROZYME® easily degradable, eco-friendly and leaves no residue, and certified as input under organic production. AGROZYME® contains well balanced essential nutrients for boosting plant growth formulated for rapid and effective absorption through the leaves thus easily available to plant providing extensive branching with lush green foliage, helps in availing of other nutrients by increase in chlorophyll, chloroplast, flowering, inhibiting dropping and enhancement of quality produce and yield. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Black Coloured Viscous Liquid; 35% Extract from Ascophyllum Nodosum Proteins Carboxyl and Hydroxyl Group Biostimulant Carbohydrates; 15% Nutrient and PGR Stabilizers and Preservatives; 50% Aqueous Solvents 100% TOTAL; Sp Gravity 1.06 ± 0.05; Kelp 9 ± 1; Organic Matter 5 ± 1; Phosporous (asP2O5) 0.2 ± 0.1; Potassium (as K2O) 1 ± 0.5; Nitrogen (N) 0.3 ± 0.1; Magnesium 1000ppm ± 10ppm; Iron (Fe) 1,000ppm ± 10ppm; Manganese (Mn) 1,000ppm ± 10ppm; Zinc (Zn) 1,000ppm ± 10ppm; Copper (Cu) 1,000ppm ± 10ppm; Boron (B) 100ppm ± 10ppm CROPS APPLICATION RATE ALL CROPS: Horticultural Field, Vegetables and Spice Crops e.g. Maize Wheats Barley Mango Banana Coconut Betelnut Rice Paddy Pigeon Peas French Beans Soya Beans All Vegetables Fruits and Spices Foliar Application: 30ml in 20 Litres of water; 1.5 Litres in 1,000 Litres of water Soil Drench / Application: 3Litres in 1,000 Litres of water CAUTION Avoid direct exposure of the product to sunlight. Always shake contents before using the product. Container needs to be tightly capped. Wear gumboots, rubber gloves, overall and face shield when mixing or spraying. DO NOT drink, eat or smoke when mixing or spraying. Remove and wash contaminated protective clothing after work. Clean contaminated body parts with plenty of clean water and soap. Avoid spray drift.
GUARANTEE (DHAMANA) Paraquat Dichloride 276g/L DESCRIPTION HERBSTAR 200SL® is a non-selective post-emergence fast acting contact herbicide for control of Grasses and Broad-leaved weeds in Baby Corn, applied one day before planting. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Measure the required amount of water and mix as per the recommended quantity of HERBSTAR 200SL®. Stir or aggitate to ensure an even mixture. Spraying should be done one day before planting Baby Corn. CROP PEST APPLICATION RATE Baby Corn Grasses and Broad Leaved Weeds 1.5Litres – 3Litres per Hectare per 200Litres of water; 100ml – 200ml per 20Litres of water PRECAUTIONS Handling Avoid contact with the eyes, skin and clothing. Wear protective clothing overalls, hat or head dress, rubber boot, rubber gloves and facemask while handling the product. DO NOT apply HERBSTAR 200SL® upwind. DO NOT breathe HERBSTAR 200SL® vapour. DO NOT eat drink or smoke. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse.
GUARANTEE (DHAMANA) Glyphosate 480g/L DESCRIPTION Mode of Action; GLYPRO 480® is a systemic, non selective post-emergence foliar acting herbicide for the control of weeds in pastures and minimum tillage. When used as directed, it is absorbed through the green leaves and stems and translocated from treated vegetation to underground roots, rhizomes or stolon of weeds. Visible effects on treated weeds appear within 7 Days -14 Days after spraying: a gradual wilting, reddening and then yellowing of the foliage, seen first on grass weeds, but takes longer to appear on broad leaved weeds. TIMING When weeds have a full emergence of healthy, actively growing green leaves at the time of application. Regrowth or fresh germination of difficult to control weeds may have to be resprayed. NOTE Allow one week for translocation of GLYPRO 480® before any cultivation takes place for perennials: one day for annuals. Weather Conditions Rainfree period of at least 3Hours – 4Hours must follow spraying. DO NOT spray onto very wet weeds or weeds suffering from drought stress as reduced control may occur. DO NOT spray in windy conditions as drift onto desirable vegetation can cause severe injury or destruction. User Limitations DO NOT mix, store or apply this product in galvanized or unlined mild steel (except stainless steel) containers or spray tanks. Tank Mixture DO NOT tank mix GLYPRO 480® with other chemicals, such as extra welter, adjuvants, fertilizers, oils, anti-foam agents or residual herbicides, except when directed on the labels, as reduced level of weed control may result. OVERALL APPLICATIONS Where control of the entire swath with associated weed is required, overall spraying should be carried out with a conventional hydraulic sprayer in good order and properly calibrated. SPOT TREATMENTS Where Patches of weeds are to be treated, a knapsack sprayer may be used using 2% solution (200ml of GLYPRO 480® diluted in 10Litres of water) It should be ensured that weed leaves are not sprayed to the point of run-off as this simply wastes the product Spot treatment of tall weeds can also be carried out by weed wipers using 200ml GLYPRO 480SL® in 300ml of water. WEED WIPER Mix 1 part GLYPRO 480® with 2 parts of water (33% solution) e.g 200ml GLYPRO 480® with 300ml of water. WEEDS APPLICATION RATE Annual Grasses, Broadleaf Weeds and Perrenial Grasses 2Litres – 4Litres in 300Litres of water per Hectare; 100ml – 300ml in 20Litres of water Hard to Kill Perrenials 2Litres – 4Litres in 300Litres of water per Hectare; 100ml – 300ml in 20Litres of water
GUARANTEE (DHAMANA) 2,4-Dimethyl Amine Salt 720g/L DESCRIPTION CROPMINE 720SL® is a herbicide that controls most Annual and Perennial Broadleaved Weeds in Maize fields. DIRECTIONS FOR USE Measure the required amount of water and mix as per the recommended quantity of CROPMINE 720SL®. Stir/aggitate to ensure an even mixture. Spraying should be done one day before planting Maize. APPLICATIONS WEEDS APPLICATION RATES PRE-HARVEST INTERVAL Maize Annual and Perennial Broad Leaved Weeds 150ml – 200ml in 20Litres of water 30Days SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DO NOT inhale fumes of spray mist. Wash contaminated clothing thoroughly. Wash with soap and water after accidental skin contact. DO NOT eat, drink or smoke whilst mixing or applying or before washing hands and face. Avoid drift of spray on to crops, grazing, rivers, dams and areas not under treatment. Clean applicator before using with other remedies and dispose of wash water where it will not contaminate crops, grazing, rivers, dams. Destroy empty containers and never use for any other purpose.
GUARANTEE Auxins 33% + Nitrogen (A.N.A.A.) DESCRIPTION ROOTONE® contains synthetic Auxins and Nitrogen which are essential in flowering plants for flower induction, prevention of pre-mature flower abortion, fruit drop and propagation of cuttings. ROOTONE® helps in the enlargement of Tubers, Bulbs and also in root crops. ROOTONE® also helps to increase sweetness in Sweet Potatoes, Carrots and Sugarcane. DIRECTION FOR USE Methods of Application APPLICATIONS APPLICATION RATES TIMING Foliar for Robust Growth Use One (1) Sachet of 3g in 100Litres of water and 18g per Hectare Foliar Spray on the leaves of plants RE-ENTRY INTERVAL – 6Hours Potatoes Reduce Internal Rust Spot and Hollow Heart RE-ENTRY INTERVAL – 6HoursPRE-HARVEST INTERVAL – 14Days Cherries Cracking Reduction PRE-HARVEST INTERVAL – 14Days APPLICATION Half fill the tank with water and add the required amount of ROOTONE®while gently agitating, slowly add water to make the required tank volume. Always calibrate spray nozzles. To induce flowering spray ROOTONE® at the oneset of flowering.
GUARANTEE: 12% NITROGEN (N); 10% PHOSPHOROUS (P2O5); 8% POTASIUM (K2O); MAGNESIUM; BORON; MANGANESE; COPPER, MOLYBDENUM; ZINC; IRON; COBALT; SULPHUR; AMINO ACIDS AND GROWTH HORMONES. ALL THESE ARE CHELATED. DESCRIPTION CROP BOOSTER® is a liquid foliar fertilizer containing all the macro and micro elements required by plants. It contains well balanced essential nutrients for boosting plant growth. It is formulated for rapid and effective absorption through the leaves. CROP BOOSTER® is also formulated for use in a large variety of field, tropical and horticultural crops such as vegetable, pastures, lawn cotton, tropical fruits, cereals, citrus and ornamentals. CROP BOOSTER® is compatible with most pesticides however a trial sample should be done to determine the compatibility. DIRECTION FOR USE CROPS APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE APPLICATION RATE ML PER 20LITRES OF WATER TIMING Coffee 2.5litres 60ml 21Days interval Potatoes 2litres 50ml 14Days interval Tomatoes 2litres 50ml 14Days interval Ornamentals 2litres 50ml 14Days interval Wheat and Barley 3litres 80ml 2 apllications at Tillering and at Booting Pineapples 3litres 80ml 21Days interval Fruit trees 3litres 80ml 14Days interval after the fruit set Vegetables 2litres 50ml 14Days interval Cotton 2.5litres 60ml 21Days interval ADVANTAGES OF CROP BOOSTER®: Fast acting with the nutrients rapidly becoming available to the plant and no wastage occurs from leaching; Induces fater crop recovery from unfavorable climatic conditions and prevent deficiencies in your crop when applied rapidly; Stimulates and boosts plant growth increasing yields and quality; Builds up reserves to enable vigorous growth and abundant flowering in the subsequent year; CROP BOOSTER® has higher and well balanced nutrients required for all crops; Helps in maintaining plant colour COMPATABILITY It is compatible with most pesticides but a trial sample should be done before preparation of big volume of spray mixtures. CROP BOOSTER® can be applied through all irrigation systems. PRECAUTIONS Store CROP BOOSTER® out of reach of children and keep away from food and feedstuffs.
HIGH N – 30:10:10+TE DESCRIPTION AGRIGROW (CRYSTALLINE) VEGETATIVE EXTRA® is a foliar/fertigation water soluble fertilizer formulated to cater for high levels of nutrients required by plant during period of high level of cell division. AGRIGROW (CRYSTALLINE) VEGETATIVE EXTRA® combines micro-elements and biostimulants in chelated form. It is specifically recommended for use during plant vegetative growth periods and after harvesting for the perennial crops. DIRECTIONS OF USE CROPS APPLICATION RATES INTERVAL VEGETABLE CROPS Beans; Peas; Chillies; Curcurbits; Carrots; Onions; Tomatoes; Wheat; Barley 1Kg – 3Kg in 1000Litres of water per Hectare 30g – 40g per 20Litres of water. Apply every 7 Days -14 Days until start of flowering. FRUIT TREES Citrus; Coffee; Mangoes; Avocado 4Kg – 6Kg in 1000Litres of water per Hectare 40g – 50g per 20Litres of water. Apply every 7 Days -14 Days prior to flowering and after harvest. Soil Drench 3Kg – 6Kg in 1000Litres of water per Hectare 20g – 40g per 20Litres of water. Apply directly onto soil and soak in with irrigation. FERTIGATION Use a rate of 3Kg – 6Kg per Hectare during periods that require high nitrogen levels. Use lower concentrations for seedlings and increase the concentration as plants mature. COMPOSITION 30% Total Nitrogen, 10% Phosphorus as Phosphoric Oxide (P2O5), 10% Potassium as Potash (K2O) PLUS all the micronutrients.
HIGH P – 14:28:18 + TE DESCRIPTION AGRIGROW (CRYSTALLINE) SEEDLING (STARTER) EXTRA® is a foliar/fertigation water soluble fertilizer formulated to cater for high levels of nutrients required by seedlings. AGRIGROW (CRYSTALLINE) SEEDLING (STARTER) EXTRA® combines micro-elements and biostimulants in chelated form. It is specifically recommended for use during transplanting and for young plants to enhance root and shoot development and quick, vigorous establishment of the plant. DIRECTIONS OF USE CROPS APPLICATION RATES INTERVAL VEGETABLE CROPS Beans; Peas, Chillies; Curcurbits; Carrots; Onions; Tomatoes; Wheat; Barley 1Kg – 3Kg in 1000Litres of water per Hectare 30g – 40g per 20Litres of water Apply every 7-14days for the first 4 Weeks after establishment FRUIT TREES Citrus; Coffee; Mangoes; Avocado 4Kg – 6Kg in 1000Litres of water per Hectare 40g – 50g per 20Litres of water Apply every 7-14days for the first 4 Weeks after establishment Soil Drench 3Kg – 6Kg in 1000Litres of water per Hectare 20g – 40g per 20Litres of water Apply directly onto soil and soak in with irrigation before planting or directly into planting hole FERTIGATION Use a rate of 3Kg – 6Kg per Hectare. Use lower concentration for nursery plants and increase as plant grow. Use during period of stress when active root growth is essential. COMPOSITION 14% Total Nitrogen, 28% Phosphorus as Phosphoric Oxide (P2O5), 18% Potassium as Potash (K2O) PLUS all the micronutrients.
HIGH K – 15:5:35+TE DESCRIPTION AGRIGROW (CRYSTALLINE) FLOWERING & FRUITING EXTRA® is a foliar/fertigation water soluble fertilizer formulated to cater for high levels of nutrients required by plant during flowering and fruiting stage. AGRIGROW (CRYSTALLINE) FLOWERING & FRUITING EXTRA® combines micro-elements and biostimulants in chelated form. It is specifically recommended for use during growth periods that require high levels of Potassium, such as flowering, fruit set, fruit development and for quality fruits. Due to its high Potassium content, it helps in even ripening of fruits, proper fruit size and colour as well as improving plant resistance to stress e.g. frost and drought. DIRECTIONS FOR USE CROPS APPLICATION RATE PER HECTARE INTERVAL VEGETABLE CROPS Beans; Peas; Chillies; Curcurbits; Carrots; Onions; Tomatoes; Wheat; Barley 1Kg – 3Kg in 1000Litres of water per Hectare 30g – 40g per 20Litres of water Apply every 7-14days for the first 4 Weeks after establishment FRUIT TREES Citrus; Coffee; Mangoes; Avocado 4Kg – 6Kg in 1000Litres of water per Hectare 40g – 50g per 20Litres of water Apply every 7-14days for the first 4 Weeks after establishment Soil Drench 3Kg – 6Kg in 1000Litres of water per Hectare 20g – 40g per 20Litres of water Apply directly onto soil and soak in with irrigation before planting or directly into planting hole FERTIGATION Use a rate of 3Kg -6Kg per Hectare during periods that require high Potassium levels. Use lower concentrations for smaller plants and increase the concentrations as plants size increases. COMPOSITION 15% Total Nitrogen, 5% Phosphorus as Phosphoric Oxide (P2O5), 35% Potassium as Potash (K2O) Plus all the essential micronutrients.
GUARANTEE: Zinc 21% + Boron 7% A highly liquid foliar feed for Vegetables and Fruits for complete care and correction deficiencies of Boron and Zinc in Flowers Coffee Mangoes Macadamia Citrus Avocado and Vegetables. CROPS APPLCATION RATES DIRECTIONS FOR APPLICATIONS Flowers 750ml – 1.5Litres in 1000Litres of water per Hectare; 75ml – 150ml in 100Litres of water and 15ml – 30ml in 20Litres of water. Apply starting at Petal Fall in 5 Intervals Coffee 1Litre – 1.5Litres in 1000Litres of water per Hectare; 100ml – 150ml in 100Litres of water and 20ml – 30ml in 20Litres of water. Apply from early nook Mangoes 1Litre – 1.5Litres in 1000Litres of water per Hectare; 100ml – 150ml in 100Litres of water and 20ml – 30ml in 20Litres of water. Apply starting from 6Weeks – 8Weeks before harvest in 3 – 4 Intervals Macadamia 1Litre – 1.5Litres in 1000Litres of water per Hectare; 100ml – 150ml in 100Litres of water and 20ml – 30ml in 20Litres of water. Start Application Shortly Before Head Formation in 4 – 6 Interval Oranges 1Litre – 1.5Litres in 1000Litres of water per Hectare; 100ml – 150ml in 100Litres of water and 20ml – 30ml in 20Litres of water. Apply weekly before detection and start of Blackheart Symptoms Avocado 1Litre – 1.5Litres in 1000Litres of water per Hectare; 100ml – 150ml in 100Litres of water and 20ml – 30ml in 20Litres of water. Apply during fruit development in 6 – 12 Intervals Vegetables (Tomatoes Beans Peas Pepper and Onion) 1Litre – 1.5Litres in 1000Litres of water per Hectare; 100ml – 150ml in 100Litres of water and 20ml – 30ml in 20Litres of water. Apply before and after flowering stage to ensure adequate levels of Boron for Pollination PRE-HARVEST INTERVAL 1Day HANDLING AND STORAGE: Store AGRIGROW ZINC + BORON® in the original tighly closed container in a cool, dry and ventilated place in a frost free condition at an optimal storage temperature. AGRIGROW ZINC + BORON® non-harzadous and non-flammable. Avoid contact with the eyes,skin and clothing. Wear protective clothing overalls,hat/head dress, rubber boot, rubber gloves and facemask while handling the product. DO NOT apply upwind. DO NOT breathe vapour. DO NOT eat drink or smoke. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash it before reuse. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION ZINC (Zn) 21% AND BORON (B) 7%