“Tomato-Solaxgold, is a popular variety known for its:
“Tomato-Solaxgold, is a popular variety known for its:
Swiss chad, the Fordhook Giant variety, grows up to 70cm tall. It produces medium-dark green crumpled leaves with white veins and broad white stems. Its leaves are soft and tender and made easy to cook and eat. The Fordhook Giant variety matures 50-60 days after transplanting, and its potential yield…
Tomato Solax F1 is a resilient, high-yield tomato delivers exceptional flavor & firmness.
Pumpkin-Tenaf1 is a specific hybrid variety of pumpkin. below are the characteristics of Pumpkin- Tenaf1
The California Wonder pepper is a classic bell pepper variety known for its:
Kale Thousand Head, also known as Kale-Keeper, is a popular variety of kale, especially in East Africa where it’s often referred to as “Sukuma Wiki.” Here’s what makes it stand out:
Cabbage Starglow F1 is likely a variety of cabbage known for its specific characteristics. Here’s what we can generally expect from cabbage varieties: General Cabbage Characteristics
Tomato Solax F1 is a high-yielding tomato variety that matures in about 75 days after planting. It has a long shelf life and is resistant to several diseases. Features
Beetroot Vitared is a concentrated form of beetroot extract. Beetroots are a rich source of nitrates, which the body converts into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide helps to relax and widen blood vessels, which can improve blood flow and lower blood pressure.
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